Shipping and Delivery


Transporting a bird is very safe – read for details.

Transporting a single bird to a new place always seems cruel and embarrassing, but in reality I think it’s harder for us than for the birds. Thanks to my many years of transport experience, I know for sure that all birds are doing well. So if you stop and think about it, airlines are not going to mistreat birds for fear of lawsuits and customer dissatisfaction. I stick the bird seed and feeding guide on the top of the cage and put some ice water on it so that it will melt gradually for the birds and the birds will get their food as they climb.

The average flight time is about 2-5 hours.I always inquire about any delays or stopovers and I know the exact flight times and departures so I know where the bird is and can provide you with information.

The bird arrives the same day it is shipped, usually within a few hours. In the cage I have a big, soft bed of shredded newspaper for the birds to nest in, and usually a pair of pig ears to chew on (they love them) and a toy or sock with my perfume on it – to keep the bird comfortable. Secure .


What about shipping in the winter –is it not too cold?

If you decide to buy a bird, I guarantee you – I have many years of experience – that it will reach you safely. Birds can be safely transported between 20 and 85 degrees, per AA regulations. All the birds fly into the plane’s cockpit where, like the passengers on board, it’s a comfortable 70 degrees and they’re the last and first on board.

Shipping is completely safe and hassle-free at this time of year, so we don’t have to worry about that.Just like someone boarding a plane to meet family and/or friends over the holidays, shipping a bird is very similar – and probably even a little easier. The only difference at this time of year is that the airlines can strictly enforce the minimum temperature everywhere (which is really good for the birds, even if the plane is still 70 degrees. I think this is mainly due to their liability and their protection

NOTICE Most carriers specializing in the transport of animals use temperature-controlled boxes, so-called electronic boxes, which allow us to ship in both winter and summer.

These types of cages are still used because they can regulate the temperature to give the birds the best journey.


What does the shipping process include?

As I’m 30 minutes from the nearest airport and like most breeders I don’t charge extra for delivery, I try to make each trip as sensible as possible by picking up several birds at the same time and sticking to specific times. So it helps me a lot if you can indicate multiple times/days that you (or someone else with ID) are available to pick up the bird. So if you are interested in having one of the birds I can reserve a bird after receiving all the money. I need the days and times you can pick up your birds at the nearest airport, as well as your home address and telephone number.

I can usually book a flight just a day in advance so they are aware of transit temperatures. Once you have booked the bird I will call and/or email you with your flight number and pick up time. All you have to do is pick up your bird at the airport, taking some identification documents with you, such as your driver’s license or insurance card, and the waybill number, which I will give you. I therefore request that you contact me as soon as possible after receiving the bird, as I am very interested in knowing more about the bird – everything went well – think – and any other questions you might have.